
Happy Thanksgiving from a Turkey Fanatic

thansg-blog-boy-with-drumstick I have to confess that I love home-cooked turkey.  I am crazy about Thanksgiving turkey and the turkey leftovers.  When my wife, Rose, generously offers to send turkey home with our kids, I bar the door. Yep, I long for Thanksgiving Day, filled with all of the traditional foods and fellowship.  For me, Thanksgiving’s attitude of gratefulness is hard-wired together in my brain with the heavenly aroma of turkey.  Like Ralphie Parker in Jean Shepherd’s A Christmas Story, I love turkey!  Turkey sandwiches, turkey salad, turkey gravy, turkey hash, turkey a la King, and gallons of turkey soup… — BUT — The true importance of Thanksgiving is taking the time to tell you how thankful I am for you.  My wish for you is that you experience the Thanksgiving joys of sharing, gratitude, and thankfulness.  J. M. Barrie once said, “God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December.”  Remember your roses today! thanksg-blog-man-in-winter