
Improving Seminar Quality

Law Elder Law is constantly trying to find new ways to serve the community. Recently, Rick Niksic, our education and outreach director, and Zachary Hesselbaum, Esq. decided we would move our seminars up to Continuing Education (CE) quality. They submitted a seminar topic on advanced directives “Shadow of Schiavo,” to the Illinois Nurses Association and the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation. We have been approved to use this seminar to provide 2 hours of CE for both nursing professionals and social workers. In addition, Law Elder Law, LLP has been approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation as a Sponsor of Continuing Education for State Licensed Social Workers. Since these approvals, Zach and Rick have presented to licensed health care professionals at various long-term care facilities, including Rush-Copley Medical Center. “Shadow of Schiavo” provides an in-depth look at the importance of having advance directives for your family in the case of incapacity and terminal illness. This seminar has been well received by the attendees. For more information or to schedule a seminar, call Rick Niksic at Law Elder Law at 630-585-5200, or send an email