Our Firm
Robin Spang, Wonder Woman
I’d like to introduce you to Robin Spang, our intake paralegal. Robin and I have known each other for many years. Robin has become one of the most valuable players on our team. That’s saying a lot, because we have a team filled with valuable players. As an intake paralegal, Robin is our front line in receiving inquiries regarding the solutions that we provide in the area of Medicaid, estate protection, VA benefits, and disability planning. When someone calls Robin, she is authorized to spend unlimited amounts of time assisting them in the discovery of whether or not we are an appropriate solution for the particular burden they are carrying. We receive a substantial number of professional referrals, and attorneys are a primary source of our business. Recently I saw that Robin had received a very complimentary e-mail from an attorney who had referred a client to us. This attorney had sent to me a string of e-mails beginning with a request regarding a Medicaid problem. The initial request went something like this: “I am inquiring to see if you could help me to decode Medicaid and real estate obligations that I’m dealing with. If this is an area that you understand, please let me know and I will call and set an appointment. I need clarity regarding what is legal and what I can do regarding my parents home, assets, and life insurance. I just need to know what their obligations are. Thank you.” The initial attorney responded by telling the prospective client that this was not an area of her practice and she wanted to refer them to Law Elder Law. Her client then contacted our firm and spoke with Robin. I don’t know how long Robin spent with her, but obviously she gave her the right kind of answers and in a way that made her feel that she had received some relief and peace of mind. She later notified her attorney as follows: “I can’t thank you enough for steering us towards Law Elder Law. What an incredible experience to have the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. This firm is nothing but helpful and empathetic! I never thought that sitting down and talking with people from a law firm could be such a pleasant experience. I’ll be sleeping much better now. Thanks again.” Those of us here at Law Elder Law are very grateful for referrals—and for Robin, who receives those initial calls. Funny thing is, I never knew that I was working with a woman who could lift “the weight of the world.” I’m sure glad she’s here! Thanks, Robin! Rick